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Gail Is Snazzy


Gail With Reverend Beckwith

Byron Metcalf

Diana Visco

Gail with Don Stroud

Kelly McClure & Gail

Gails Even Took Gigs As A Child

Jackson Browne & Gail

Dad With Sally & Tammy

Gail and Michael McDonald

Clay sculpture of Gail by Jessica De

Gail & Dobie Gray ("Drift Away")

Gail & Ann 2008

A gift to Gail made by Eric Nichols
Thank you Bill McHolm for introducing us!

Sketch Of Gail


Gail's Concert
Entertaining people even as a child.

Gail & Byron

Ann & Criselda

Merrily Weeber

Sketch Of Gail

Merrily Weeber & Gail

Gail Playing at McClures

Gail & Bob Babbitt In Nashville

Gail in Nashville 1980

Freebo And Gail

Benefit - Jim Gordon on sax


Gail with the late Carl Perkins

Gail And Molly

Custom Guitar Head

Grady Shawver (Bear)
Grady did most of the guitarwork on the Essential Gail Chasin CD.

Gail At Home

Gail with The Riders In The Sky

Diana at the Guitar Shoppe in Van Nu

Gail & Dickie Betts
(Allman Bros. Band)

Sketch Of Gail

Sue Adele And Gail

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